December – Good Omens

Hey! Yes, I know, something isn’t right about the title. It’s the twelfth of february already and I’m talking about december. Like what?! Soooo… here’s the deal. Good Omens is kind of a long book (a plus really) and december is kind of a hectic month (full of good things). I didn’t start reading it until January. There was enough time to stretch it though. Sam and I didn’t choose a new book for January, instead we launched smaxx project 2.0! We’re reading the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy for February. But for now, let’s review Good Omens! Starting of course with the twenty-seventh page tradition;

Mrs. Deirdre Young is giving birth in Delivery Room Three. She is having a golden-haired male baby we will call baby A. The wife of the American Cultural Attache, Mrs. Harriet Dowling, is giving birth in Delivery Room Four. She is having a golden-haired male baby we will call Baby B. Sister Mary Loquacious has been a devout Satanist since birth. She went to Sabbat School as a child and won black stars for handwriting and liver.

What’s the story about? Well, where to start. The end of days is nearby. There’s a misplaced antichrist. A demon and an angel are not really fond of the whole extinction of humankind idea. Witches are hunted and the hell’s angels brought their bikes out. A hellhound finds his nature and a boy and his friends re-imagine the world. And the one who knew it all, Agnes Nutter, witch. Some interpretation needed.

What did I think of the book? I absolutely loved it. It’s smart and funny. What I like most of all is that it doesn’t seem to have any unnecessary fuss. Everything just fits. There are many characters and each one is just as important to the story. The writers have, in my opinion, a clear vision and a very quick and sharp way of writing. There’s some wisdom in it as well, maybe wisdom isn’t the right word. It’s more like they noticed things about human nature and mixed it in with the story. I really like this part:

Sometimes Human beings are very much like bees. Bees are fiercely protective of their hive, provided you are outside it. Once you’re in, the workers sort of assume that it must have been cleared by the management and take no notice; various freeloading insects have evolved a mellifluous existence because of this very fact. Humans act the same way. No one stopped the four as the purposefully made their way into one of the long, low buildings under the forest of radio masts. No one paid any attention to them.

Final Verdict: This was the most impossible review to write actually because to really appreciate this book you just have to read it yourself. It’s my new favorite.

smaxx pointsmaxx pointsmaxx pointsmaxx pointsmaxx point
( What are these things? Find out here)

Enjoy! P.S. Normally I would’ve referred you to the review of Sam by now. I didn’t yet because I can’t because she lost the freaking book. She LOST it. It’s a disgrace, seriously Sam, find it!

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